Our Seeds
We're driven by the vision of family and friends gathered around the table sharing garden-fresh meals. To that end, we strive to help you have a successful growing

Germination Testing
We maintain regular cycles of germination testing and ensure the seeds we offer exceed
the requirements of the Canadian Seed Act.
We do not sell genetically modified seed
nor do we breed using genetic engineering. All our breeding work is
done using traditional, in-the-field plant breeding techniques - often
requiring many painstaking (yet so fun!) hours of hand pollinations.
We offer open-pollinated seed, meaning you can save their seeds in your own garden.
We currently grow roughly 70% of our
seed varieties and buy in the rest from certified organic seed farmers
we trust. We are better able to offer high quality seed of some of the
crops that grow better seeds in other climates - like carrots in the
Canadian west coast - then growing them with moderate to low success
here. However, we've personally grown all of our offerings in our
kitchen gardens to ensure they grow well, they're tasty and we like
We do the bulk of the work that goes
into growing our seed. We grow, select, rogue, harvest, clean, germ test
and pack our own seeds. We are working towards offering bulk amounts,
particularly for farmers. Contact us if you're interested and/or looking
for bulk amounts.